Cryptofy Coin is a decentralised metaverse coin currently built on BSC that helps to bridge the gap between the virtual world and the real world by aiding seamless, secured and fast transaction. It's also the unifying coin that gives you access to the CRYPTOFY DIGITAL ECOSYSTEM,with lots of usecases and utilities built around it. Its very economical and has fast processing power per seconds powered by the cryptofy smart chain (CSC). As we develop and grow, cryptofy coin plans to expand into additional industries, such as the energy agricultural, and oil and gas sectiors. Cryptofy coin is the game-changer




As a metaverse coin, it's used to complete all types of metaverse transactions

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Every investment made by an investor or venture capitalist in Cryptofy Digital will first be used to purchase CRYPTOFY COIN

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$CFYD The world's number one stable coin, with the aim to provide liquidity for dex, cex, p2p all fiat transactions. its backed by gold lithium, fiat, digital assets, etc


$CCC Cryptofy classic coin (CCC) is a metaverse coin built on the ETH blockchain, used for cross-border payments and all kinds of meta-payment.


CRYPTOFY BLOCKCHAIN is the technology of the cryptofy digital ecosystem. It’s a decentralized system that is used to record the transactions carried out on the cryptofy digital ecosystem especially ones done with its native token-CRYPTOFY COIN ($CFYC).


For the cryptofy coin, the total supply is 250 million $CFYC. For the private sale, 8% of the supply will be sold. For every investor that took part in the private sale, 90% of their investment will be auto-locked for 365 days and only 10% will be available for withdrawal. This is to ensure the longevity of the project and maintain stability on the LIQUIDITY POOL.

For liquidity pool farming, 15-30 days but in a case where an investor is impatient, taxation for emergency withdrawal is 8% total investment

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CRYPTOFY COIN $CFYC just got audited by one of the biggest audit companies in web 3 SOLIDPROOF The smart contract audit for CryptoFy is complete, revealing no high or medium criticality issues.

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Coin Review

Cryptofy Coin is the game changer

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Cryptofy Wallet

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